Christmas Markets

Christmas Market - Plaça Independència

30 de novembre de 2013 al 5 de gener de 2014
All day

All kinds of festive silliness - little gifts, handicrafts, flowers, nativity figurines, lights, ornaments, sweets, etc.

Ter River bank Market (La Devesa Wood)

9-2pm Tuesday and Saturday
Clothes, gifts, fruit and veg, scarves, bags, table cloths....

Music at Christmas

Concert: El llac dels Cignes.
Ballet Jacobson de Sant Petersburg
Es podrà veure una sumptuosa producció, amb més de 40 ballarins a l'escenari del "Ballet Jacobson de Sant Petersburg". Música de P.I. Txaikovski

Lloc: Sala Montsalvatge - Auditori Palau de Congressos
Adreça: Passeig de la Devesa 35
Telèfon: 872 080 709
Preu: 41 l 37 l 32 l 21 euros

Concert: Los Chicos del Coro
Peces de la banda sonora de Los Chicos del Coro, temes de pel·lícules, música religiosa, cançons populars i nadales. La perfecció i la netedat d'un cor format per nens d'entre 10 i 15 anys us enamorarà.

Lloc: Auditori Palau de Congressos
Adreça: Pg. de la Devesa, 35
Telèfon: 872 08 07 09
Preu: 30 | 24 | 15 euros

Nativity Scenes - Pessebres

XXX Mostra de pessebres i diorames

Del 21 de desembre de 2013 al 9 de gener de 2014

These are special exhibitions particularly during the Christmas season, of art objects representing the scene of the birth of Jesus.
A la Sala la Carbonera - Pujada Sant Feliu (Going up to Sant Felix Church)
De les 17 a les 20.30 h.
Dia de Nadal tancat - Closed Christmas Day 

Ice Skating Rink - Pista de gel

Del 20 de desembre de 2013 al 5 de gener de 2014

Pista de gel 2012Al Palau de Fires de Girona
8a edició 2013
Pista de gel de 600 m2
Tobogan de 20 m

HORARI: d'11 a 21 h

Horaris especials
Dia 20 de desembre: de 16 a 21 h.
Dies 24 i 31 de desembre: d'11 a 19 h.
Dia de Nadal, 25 de desembre: TANCAT
Dia 1 de gener: de 16 a 21 h.
Dia 5 de gener: d'11 a 15 h.
Es podrà triar entre anar amb patins o
baixar amb trineu pel tobogan de gel.

New Year's Eve in Girona - Revetlles de cap d'any

Cathedral Church Bells ringing and then concert, starts 12pm
Pl. dels Apòstols (Catedral) 24 h

Christmas and New Year Menus 

3 kings Parade - Cavalcada de Reis

The fun and games start at 4pm with pre-parade noise and illegal gatherings - head for the nearest drum beat. The Girona Walls will be closed on the 5th January. The main event starts at 6.30pm. Make sure you are parked or escaped the city at least an hour before as roads are closed, cut off, redirected, no exceptions made.
Diumenge 5 de gener de 2014
Cavaldada de Reis 18.30 h

Passeig del General Mendoza, carrer d'Ultònia, carrer del Migdia, carrer d'Emili Grahit, carrer de Balmes, carrer de Joan Maragall, plaça de Pompeu Fabra, Gran Via de Jaume I, avinguda de Sant Francesc, lateral nord de la plaça de Catalunya, plaça de Jacint Verdaguer, pujada del pont de Pedra i plaça del Vi.

Route map of the 3 Kings Parade in Girona

Els Pastorets de Girona - Christmas Nativity Play

The origins of the genre are the shepherds in the medieval religious drama. The pastorum Officium (The Adoration of the Shepherds) is the starting point for interpreting the old story on Christmas Eve in churches during midnight mass.The Nativity is a typical Christmas festivity in many parts of Catalonia.The plot combines the story of the birth of Jesus with the struggle between good and evil, angels and demons, and various stories and dialogues of the shepherds that recall the first Christmas.

Imatge dels Pastorets de GironaA càrrec del Grup Proscenium
25 de desembre, a les 17.30 h
26 de desembre, a les 17.30 h
28 de desembre, a les 17.30 h
29 de desembre, a les 17.30 h
1 de gener, a les 17.30 h
3 de gener, a les 17.30 h
4 de gener, a les 17.30 h

Zones A, B i C - 12 €
Zona D - 7 €

Christmas circus - Circ de Nadal

Pl. Constitució
Del 22 al 29 de desembre de 2013
A càrrec de la Cia. CIRC PÀNIC
Presenten: L'home que perdia els botons

Premi al Millor Espectacle de Circ de Carrer "Nit del Circ Català 2012" i Premi a la Millor Música Original dins la "Nit del Circ Català 2012".
Diumenge 22 - 17 h i 19 h
Dilluns 23 - 17 h i 19 h
Dimarts 24 - no hi ha funció
Dimecres 25 - 18.30 h
Dijous 26 - 18.30 h
Divendres 27 - 17 h i 19 h
Dissabte 28 - 12.30 h i 17 h
Diumenge 29 - 12.30 h

Preu: 8 € adults i 5 € per als menors de 12 anys.
Venda d'entrades a les taquilles del circ.
Organitza: Ajuntament de Girona

Indoor Covered Market

The indoor market is not to be missed, especially for buying fish or cooked pulses, or 10 varieties of marinated olives  - quick lunch solutions if you like cooking. Think Boqueria, but scaled down a little and without the camera crews. 
You might need to use elbows and whatever you do, don't smile. You must have gravitas in these situations! I have learned this the hard way, you can pay me later. I will one day go and take photos. 

WIFI! Yes, we've got it, finally! (


Shame! Now you don't need to go to the cafe....

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream

see what i mean?
There are lots if ice-cream parlours in Girona but if you see a queue emerging from a hole in the wall, and smug looking so-and-sos clutching little ice-cream pots with candy floss toppings and such like, you know you've found Rocambolesc! The toppings are endless and fun and you're not really allowed to leave without one. They're also really friendly. See for yourselves! The 'hole in the wall' won a design award and is gorgeous. So there.
This is what they say on their website: 
It all started when Jordi Roca decided to bring back the traditional dessert trolley of El Celler de Can Roca, which was dispensed with when he took over the sweet part of the menu. When they saw the new petit‑four trolley designed byAndreu Carulla, the Roca brothers thought it would be fun to stroll around the streets of Girona offering these petits fours to passers-by. Though it was an exciting idea, they were faced with the restrictions imposed by local regulations, so they decided to showcase it in an ice cream shop that they opened in the centre of town: this is how Rocambolesc was born.
The vintage feel of the establishment, inspired by the magical world of Willy Wonka, the fictional character that owns a chocolate factory in Roald Dahl's children's book and Tim Burton's movie, is the work of Sandra Tarruella's Interior Architecture design firm and the graphic design firm Run, which is also responsible for the corporate identity and the packaging.

Saturday Market (and Tuesday)

Next time, i'll take the camera, these pictures don't do it justice. In November, the leaves hadn't fallen yet, the Devesa wood still green and sunlit and the first stalls were selling stacks of mint, coriander and jerusalem artichoke (freshly culled from the river banks?!). On Saturday and Tuesday mornings it transforms from this peaceful park, to a riot of jostling elbows and determined grandmas. And it's a pleasure to compete. There's enough for everyone and time too. Don't miss it. You walk from the centre of town to the edge of the wood and eventually have to make a decision....left or right along the Ter river bank. Left, those handbags look quite interesting, and the scarves....but look right and the stalls go on forever....maybe there isn't enough time after all....
River Ter

Tasca Gallega - Tapas and Fish

It's a hard life here in Girona. Having guests, what to do on a Saturday morning? Of course there's the indoor market and then the outdoor market, stretching along one of the 3 rivers, but what about lunch? Our guests were not used to doing much for lunch and we thought we were for it, but around 2 o'clock everyone admitted to being a little peckish and we thought we'd try a tapas restaurant, highly recommended by some of our cyclist visitors. It's just off Plaça Independencia, you can see it from the cafe Royal on the corner.
It's extremely attractive, very small and though empty when we arrived, was full within the hour.
Not wanting to over order we asked for calamars a la andaluza, calamars a la planxa (we ordered for one and ended up repeating twice!), patatas bravas and various other seafoods. It was all delicious and they were happy to allow us to order as much or as little as we wanted. More robust appetites also catered for, and we all said we'd be back for an evening meal to do the place more justice. The only negative on just the one visit so far, was the slow service, but because everything was cooked to order and from a small kitchen. Don't go if you're in a hurry, but do go. The website in English is quite amusing as well!